
Man with his hands clasped, sitting at a table

EVO Visian ICL Recovery: What to Expect and How to Optimize Healing

EVO Visian ICL surgery is an innovative procedure used to correct eyesight with implantable contact lenses. During the surgery, a biocompatible lens is implanted into the eye through a tiny opening in the cornea. Because the surgery doesn't require removing a layer of the c...

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Woman in a factory with a helmet and goggles

How to Prevent Eye Injuries in Different Situations

Eye injuries can occur in many situations, whether one is exercising or simply walking down the street. These injuries vary in severity from minor irritations to permanent damage. It is a good idea to take special measures to prevent these injuries from happening.Sports are one...

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Close up of a man's eye with colored display over it

10 Tips for LASIK Recovery

Are you considering improving your vision through LASIK Eye Surgery in NYC? Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, or “LASIK,” is the most popular and trusted laser refractive surgery to correct vision issues. Not only can this form of eye procedure be completed witho...

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a close up of a woman's right eye with a pink glitter eyeliner

Cross-Linking: Can it Improve Vision?

For those who suffer from chronic eye problems, advances and innovation in the ophthalmology field are often a beacon of hope. Many of these advances allow sufferers to see clearly again without the need for glasses or contacts in many cases. Others restore and improve sight whic...

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blond woman in grey sweater looking at camera while sitting by eye exam equipment

What is Keratoconus?

Having problems with your eyes can be a serious issue that affects your quality of life. From driving a car to reading a book, problems with the cornea can be especially worrisome. Many of these issues occur later in life while some earlier. Fortunately, there are treatments for...

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doctor holding a ophthalmoscope up to camera

LASIK vs SMILE for Eye Corrections

Glasses and contacts are a way of life for millions of people, however, even the most meticulous person can lose or break their glasses, and contact lenses can be expensive, not to mention they aren't right for everyone.If you have been considering living a life free from...

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blond woman with glasses smiling and leaning on her shoulder

Intacs Eye Surgery – Nearsightedness Treatment For You

Isn't nearsightedness a pain? You need to wear glasses or contacts for everything: to drive, to go to class… You may even need to wear them in order to see a loved one while having a normal conversation. Many people get used to wearing contacts or glasses all their l...

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woman wearing a pink sweater and a blue hat and scarf

Brite White for Beautiful Looking Eyes

Have you noticed the color of your eyes has gotten darker, duller, or even that the whites of your eyes are starting to look permanently bloodshot? This can be an uncomfortable, even debilitating issue for your self-esteem, but fortunately, there is a procedure called Brite White...

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close up of a woman's red irritated eye

An Overview of Pterygium

Eye itching, scratchiness, and irritation are common problems. While these symptoms are not severe, they can become bothersome and lead to questions about your eye health. If you are experiencing redness, contact lens intolerance, blurred vision, or increased irritation in o...

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boy wearing glasses askew in a blue and white striped shirt with a Snellen chart in the background

Can Children Get Laser Eye Surgery? 

LASIK eye surgery, also known as laser eye surgery, is a procedure that shapes the cornea of the eye to correct vision problems. It can treat nearsightedness and farsightedness, and many people have undergone this procedure with great success. About LASIK SurgeryLASIK stan...

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