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The ORA System: Customized Cataract Surgery 

The ORA System is a sophisticated device that guides Dr. Kelly with real-time measurements of your eye during the cataract procedure. This technology also helps to verify that nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism is appropriately corrected during cataract surgery. This means that you likely won’t need glasses or contacts after surgery. 

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Benefits of the ORA System

  • May achieve better results and provide an improved quality of vision
  • Gives the surgeon an added level of confirmation for an optimal outcome
  • Provides information that may not have been available for the pre-op evaluation
  • Helps the surgeon finalize and place the correct IOL during surgery
  • May reduce the need for eyeglasses/contacts 

Insurance Options

Many patients want to know if their procedure is covered by health insurance. This isn’t always clear until we have spoken with you, but many services that we offer are fully or partially covered. If there’s a procedure that you’re interested in and you’d like to know whether or not it’s covered, we encourage you to inquire about specifics when you’re in the office with us. We can determine if your procedure will be assisted by the financial help of health coverage.

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Improving the Fit of Your Intraocular Lenses

Modern cataract surgery involves replacing the lens of the eye with an intraocular lens (IOL), but it’s only been recently that we have been able to use IOLs that sharpen vision and correct eye conditions that weaken it. This means that the tools we use to analyze your eye before, during, and after cataract surgery matter more than ever.

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ORA System for Cataract Surgery

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How Does ORA Work?

In the past, cataract surgery would be completed and then weeks would have to pass before the surgeon would know whether the results were correct. The ORA System allows the surgeon to have an entirely new level of precision in evaluating the patient’s vision, which is used to help optimize decision-making during cataract surgery. The ORA System works by using wavefront aberrometry data to assess the sphere, cylinder, and axis measurements of the eye.

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