LipiView and LipiFlow Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye is an eye condition that develops when the eyes don’t produce enough tears (or the correct quality of tears) and the eyes become irritated. Tears play a key role in whether or not dry eye occurs because tears not only keep the eye moist; they also act as a protective barrier against infections, bacteria, and debris. Meibomian gland dysfunction is thought to be the leading cause of dry eye. This condition occurs when the meibomian gland — which is in the eyelid and produces the oily layer in the tear film — is compromised. Now with the breakthrough LipiView and LipiFlow technology, it’s possible to diagnose the condition and directly treat the root cause of MGD.

lady looking at camera

Symptoms of Dry Eye

  • Dryness
  • Burning
  • Tired eyes
  • Redness
  • Watery eyes
  • Discomfort
  • Visual fluctuations
  • A gritty/sandpaper-like sensation
  • The sensation of something stuck in the eye

What is LipiView?

LipiView can determine the extent of MGD. It’s an innovative imaging tool that is used to detect the level of your dry eyes. Dr. Kelly will use this evaluation to get a better idea of the film production of your eyes and determine whether you have MGD. LipiView uses a special digital image of your eye that allows our doctors to see and measure the lipid layer of your tear film. The LipiView process is performed in our office and only takes about five minutes. You will simply look into a camera and blink normally. You will be able to see pictures of your own glands, and we will be able to determine whether you have MGD. LipiView can also evaluate your blinking function by assessing if your blinks are complete. Incomplete blinking results in a poor-quality tear film, which can increase the symptoms of dry eye.

Lipiview demonstration image

Kelly Vision Lipiflow Treatment

Preparing for Your LipiView Exam 

After your LipiView evaluation, Dr. Kelly will determine the best treatment to relieve your dry eye symptoms. Here are some helpful guidelines to help you prepare for your LipiView exam. 

Avoid the following for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment:

  • Artificial tears
  • Eyelid creams or ointments
  • Eye rubbing
  • Wearing contact lenses
  • Oil-based cosmetics
  • Swimming in a chlorinated pool
  • Other dry eye assessment procedures
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Dry Eye Relief with LipiFlow

LipiFlow is a procedure designed to treat the root cause of evaporative dry eye. It works by applying directed energy to the eyelid near the affected glands: precisely targeted warmth from the back of the eyelid and slight pressure from the front. This treatment is performed right in our office. The LipiFlow treatment can unblock glands, interrupt physical deterioration, and in most cases, provide symptom relief.

Lipiflow patient at Kelly Vision Center

Live Lipiflow Treatment from TearScience®

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Your Free Consultation at Kelly Vision

If you would like to learn more about LipiFlow and how it may help alleviate your dry eye symptoms, please contact us to set up your free consultation at Kelly Vision. Started by board-certified ophthalmologist James Kelly, MD in 1998, Kelly Vision is a trusted provider for vision correction in the New York City area. Dr. Kelly is certified in all aspects of refractive surgery, which allows him to offer his patients a full repertoire of surgical and non-surgical options to get the best solution for their eye health needs. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, Dr. Kelly provides the best outcomes for his patients and offers personalized, one-on-one care.

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